A 3 Day Conference for Faith-Based Entrepreneurs Who Want to Thrive

Jan 30th - Feb 1st 2025 | Atlanta, GA

Current & Past Speakers

Don't do business alone






Being an entrepreneur isn't a career.

It's a calling. It demands all of you.

Yet, most entrepreneurs only develop a few key areas. They may focus on leadership, sales, or operations. They see some success, but that success comes at a significant cost.

What cost? The cost of not developing all areas of life. Sure, business may be good, but health and relationships may struggle. Revenue may be substantial, but personal and business finances are out of control.

What should be a story of lasting success becomes a cautionary tale of what not to do.

“What I really love about Ken is his heart. He has a real heart to help people and add value. It’s very obvious.”

-John Maxwell

Great entrepreneurs develop their whole life, not just their business life. That's what happens at GSD’s CREATE Conference.

CREATE is the only event that develops the whole entrepreneur. It's where high-achieving, faith-based entrepreneurs gather to learn from world-class thinkers, practitioners, and communicators.

All with one purpose: help you blow the lid off what you think is possible for your life.


Ken Joslin

Tracy Duhs

Erwin McManus

Randy Garn

Marie Cosgrove

Vic Keller

Brent Gove

Morgan Anderson

Phil Stringer

Wes Gay

Shawn Meaike

Henry & Terrin Ammar

Get Your Tickets Now


Thursday, Jan 30th, 2025


3 Days Access


Friday, Jan 301st, 2025


2 Days Access

General Admission


Swag Bag


Saturday, Feb 1st, 2025


3 Days Access

Pre-Conference Access


Executive Seating

Swag Bag

The CEO Experience


Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2025


3 Days Access

Green Room Access

Private Teaching Session

Private Mastermind Sessions w/ Speakers

Private Lunch w/ Speakers

Private Dinner w/ Speakers

Private VIP Afterparty

Semi-Formal Afterparty

Front Row Seating

Swag Bag



Thursday, Jan 30th, 2025

Thursday, Jan 30th, 2025

Mastermind Members &

CEO Ticket Holders only

Registration: 1:30 - 2:00 pm

Mastermind: 2:00 - 5:00 pm

CEO Dinner: 5:30 - 6:40pm (CEO Ticket Holders)

Registration: 6:00 - 7:00pm (CEO & Executive Ticket Holders)

Pre-Conference Session: 7:00 - 9:00pm (CEO & Executive Ticket Holders)


Friday, Jan 31st, 2025

Friday, Jan 31st, 2025

CEO Breakfast & Private Teaching Session: 8:00 am - 9:40 am


9:00 am - 10:00 am

Sessions: 1-5: 8:30 - 10:00 pm

Lunch: 12:30 - 1:30 pm

Sessions: 6-8: 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Break: 3:00 - 3:15 pm

Sessions: 9-11: 3:15 - 5:00 pm

After Party: 7:00 - 9:00 pm (CEO Ticket Holders)


Saturday, Feb 1st, 2025

Saturday, Feb 1st, 2025

CEO Breakfast: 8:00 am - 8:30 am

Sessions: 12: 8:45 - 10:00 am

Break: 10:00 - 10:10 am

Sessions: 13-14: 10:15 am - 12:00 pm

Lunch: 12:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sessions: 15-16: 1:00 - 2:15 pm

Sessions: 17-20: 2:30 - 3:30 pm

After Party: 6:30 - 10:00 pm

(CEO Ticket Holders &

GSD Community Only)

It’s the end of 2025. You’re reflecting on your best year ever, and it looked like:

• Knowing how to live your faith in all areas of life

• Building relationships that last a lifetime

• Taking control of your health so you perform your best

• Crushing your business goals with a company that's stronger than ever

• Turning your finances into a tool to live the life you and your family deserve

This is life after you come to CREATE. Get your tickets now, and get ready for your world to change.

"Ken has been a mentor of mine for over ten years. I’m thankful for his guidance, leadership, and accountability in my life. He has made me a better man, father, leader, and believer"

-David Pollack

Co-Host ESPN's College Gameday

Q: Will the event be recorded for virtual attendees?

Yes. You can purchase a ticket for the virtual option here. However, the recordings likely won’t be released for up to 7 days after the event ends because we have to process all filming and edit it. My recommendation for everyone is to show up LIVE. But I realize that’s tough with some of our attendees living in different time zones, which is why we are recording everything.

Q: When should I plan to arrive/depart?

When Should I Arrive? We recommend arriving on Wednesday, January 29th.

EARLY event check-in is 5:30-6:30PM EST on Thursday, January 30th and also at 8:00AM EST on Friday, January 31st.

The event will start around 7pm EST on Wednesday, January 30th for Executive and CEO and Thursday January 30th for all attendees.

When Should I Depart?

The event will end at approximately 4pm EST on Friday, January 31st. Please schedule your departure time well after that. You do NOT want to miss the finale on Friday!

Q: What will be covered in this event?

Over these 3 days, we’ll be focusing on the 5 core pillars of GSD Elite:

Faith, Health, Relationships, Business, and Finances.

During the conference, we’ll be bringing in different speakers who are some of the top experts in their fields…

So you can build confidence to become a better leader, gain clarity of your deeper purpose in life & business, and be part of a like-minded community of elite performers.

And of course, like our previous conference in January, we’ll make sure you also walk away with specific and tactical stuff that you can implement into your business right away…

So that you’re getting a rapid ROI.

For example, in the January event, we had one of the top leadership experts, John Maxwell, share an amazing speech about becoming a better leader.

So just being in the RIGHT room, and hearing from these amazing speakers regarding what’s about to happen…

And how you can get to network with them… Will be priceless for your life & business.

Q: What makes this conference different from everyone else?

We have some of the best speakers flying in from all over the country to share their expertise with you.

Here are some of them who’ll be speaking at CREATE in March:

1. Brendon Burchard

This is an amazing individual who most of us are familiar with.

Brendon is a 3-time New York Times bestselling author, a globally respected high performance coach, and one of the world’s most watched, followed, and quoted personal development trainers with over 10 million followers across his brands. 

O, the Oprah Magazine named him “one of the most influential leaders in personal growth.”

 During CREATE, Brendon will take the stage to share with us about confidence-building, overcoming limiting beliefs, and embracing a mindset of growth from his years of experience. 

His transformative teachings have already touched the lives of millions worldwide, and now you have the chance to experience his powerful insights in person.

2. Vic Keller

Vic Keller is a great friend who has more than two decades of experience in establishing, leading, and growing successful companies.

 In 2015, one of his companies, ZAK Automotive, along with 10 others, was successfully acquired by Berkshire Hathaway, Inc and he formally assumed senior executive responsibilities for Berkshire Hathaway Automotive, where he oversaw several operating departments in the multi-billion-dollar organization for three years.

With these accomplishments under his belt, his perspective on leadership, building, and exiting companies is going to be extremely valuable for all of us.

3. Randy Garn

Randy Garn is a partner at Tamarak Capital, a board member at Malouf Companies and Foundation, and contributing author at Entrepreneur Magazine. He has been awarded Entrepreneur Of The Year by Ernst and Young, and Top 40 Under 40. 

He’s also a New York Times bestselling author, passionate entrepreneur and business builder. 

Working closely with and advising some of the world's most recognized CEOs, companies, thought leaders, and experts. 

During CREATE, Randy will be diving deep into purpose, and relationships, teaching us about what it’s like to live a life of significance, not just success.

4. Gary Brecka

Along with Grant Cardone, Gary is the co-founder of 10X Health System. 

With more than 20 years of Bio-Hacking and functional medicine experience, he is obsessed with the function and performance of the human body and finding innovative ways to help people achieve absolute peak function in their own bodies.

He works with a hand-picked clinical team of Board-Certified physicians (M.D.’s), PhD researchers, business leaders, functional medicine experts, motivators, and scientists with one relentless mission.....to uncover the safest and fastest way to optimize your mind, body, and spirit through modern science.

At our upcoming event, Gary will take the stage to share his profound insights on how to achieve peak health and unlock your body's full potential. 

Drawing from his wealth of knowledge and practical experience, he will guide you on a transformative journey toward revitalizing your health and well-being.

I’m confident his presentation at CREATE will empower you to overcome obstacles, redefine your limits, and step into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Not to mention we’re going to be adding more amazing speakers soon…You’ll not be able to get access to this caliber of experts anywhere else at the price we’re charging for CREATE.

So if you want to secure a seat, I recommend you to do it a.s.a.p.Grab your ticket here before we’re SOLD OUT

Q: I am a bit concerned that virtual attendees might get neglected since the event is also happening live. Would love to find out more about the plan for virtual attendees.

We have a team dedicated to just making sure the virtual attendees have an amazing experience. You will not be neglected :)

Q: Will the virtual crew be able to interact with/ask questions of the speakers?

Yes. Virtual attendees will be able to ask questions and interact with the speakers and audience. 

Q: What’s the dress code?

business casual


Our team has preselected the top three hotels near our event space. Click the link

for info on each hotel and/or to book your room(s).


CREATE 2025 will be held at the Phase Center in Alpharetta.

12150 Morris Road

Alpharetta, GA 30005


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